
How Long Can Condoms Last In A Car

How to Put On A Condom - Planned Parenthood

How to Put On A Condom - Planned Parenthood

If y'all desire your safety to piece of work, y'all've got to use it correctly. Luckily, it's really easy. Here'due south what you demand to know.

How practice I use a prophylactic?

Scroll the condom on when your penis is erect (hard), but Before it touches your partner'southward rima oris or genital area (vulva, vagina, anus, buttocks, and upper thighs) — and habiliment it the whole time you're having sex. This helps protect you from STDs that are transmitted through peel-to-pare touching. Information technology also prevents contact with pre-ejaculate (pre-cum), which can take STD germs and may rarely incorporate sperm that tin cause pregnancy.

1. Condoms last a long time, but yous should always cheque the expiration engagement printed on the wrapper or box. Open condoms advisedly then you don't damage them — don't employ your teeth or scissors.

two. Make sure the condom's ready to coil on the right way: the rim should exist on the outside then it looks like a little hat, and information technology will unroll easily. You lot can unroll it a picayune bit before putting it on to brand sure it'due south right-side out. If you accidentally put a safety on inside out, do NOT flip it around and reuse it — get a new one.

iii. Pinch the tip of the condom and place information technology on the head of your penis.Leave a little flake of infinite at the top to collect semen (cum). If you're uncircumcised, it might be more comfy to pull your foreskin back earlier placing the safe on the tip of your penis and rolling it downwards.

4. Unroll the safe down the shaft of your penis all the way to the base.

You can put a few drops of water-based or silicone lubricant inside the tip of the condom earlier y'all roll information technology on. You tin can also add together more than lube to the outside of the condom after it'south on your penis. (H2o-based or silicone lube can make sex activity feel even better, and information technology helps stop condoms from breaking.)

5. Have sex!

6. Afterward y'all ejaculate (cum), agree onto the rim of the safety and pull your penis out of your partner's body.

Do this BEFORE your penis goes soft, so the condom doesn't get as well loose and allow semen out.

7. Carefully take off the condom away from your partner so you don't accidentally spill semen (cum) on them. Throw the safe away in the garbage — don't flush it down the toilet (it can clog pipes).

You tin can't reuse condoms. Coil on a new condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex. You lot should also employ a new condom if you switch from one kind of sexual activity to another (similar anal to vaginal).

Don't worry if you lose your erection (your penis gets soft) while wearing a condom — this is super common. If this happens you should change condoms. Only accept the condom off, and once your penis is difficult once again, curlicue on a new one.

What are some tips for using condoms?

Taking skillful care of your condoms and using them correctly every unmarried time you lot have sex activity is key.

Shop your condoms in a cool, dry identify abroad from whatever sharp objects and direct sunlight. Don't keep them in your pocket, car, or bathroom for long periods of fourth dimension (over 1 month), because excessive rut and moisture tin can damage condoms over time.

Always check the expiration date and make sure there aren't holes in the packaging before opening your prophylactic — you should be able to feel a little air bubble when you squeeze the wrapper. If a condom is torn, dry, stiff, or pasty, throw it abroad.

Since you lot accept to use a new condom every time you lot have sexual practice or get a new erection, it'southward a good idea to go along a supply effectually. Have condoms nearby before things offset heating up, so they're easy to catch without interrupting the action.

Nearly condoms come pre-lubricated, only calculation actress h2o-based or silicone lube can make condoms experience great and aid keep them from breaking. Put a few drops on the head of your penis or inside the tip of your condom before you scroll information technology on, and/or spread lube on the outside of the condom once you're wearing it.

Don't utilise annihilation that has oil in it with latex condoms, like petroleum jelly (Vaseline), lotion, babe oil, butter, or cooking oils. Oil damages latex condoms and may cause them to intermission.

It'due south easy to make condoms fun and sexy — all it takes is a little creativity and a positive mental attitude! For many people, condoms are a natural role of foreplay. Having your partner roll on the condom, applying lube, and stimulating each other and saying sexy stuff while putting condoms on keeps things hot AND prophylactic. Plus, knowing you're protecting each other from pregnancy and/or STDs lets everyone relax and focus on feelin' good.

Practice makes perfect, then it's a practiced idea to get used to putting on condoms before you actually use one for sex. You can practise putting a condom on your ain penis, or a banana, cucumber, or slim bottle — anything penis-shaped will exercise! Becoming a safe pro Earlier you lot have sex makes it much easier to employ them correctly when information technology really matters.

Lastly, it's a practiced idea to use another course of nascence command, like the pill, ring, shot, implant, or IUD, forth with condoms. Information technology can assist prevent pregnancy in case you make a mistake or the condom breaks, giving you extra protection. If you take a condom mishap and you lot're not on another birth control method, emergency contraception (the morning-after pill) can help prevent pregnancy upwards to 5 days later on unprotected sex.

More questions from patients:

What happens if y'all put a condom on inside out?

It'south of import to use condoms correctly. If y'all don't utilise a safe the right mode — like putting it on inside out — it won't work as well.

When you put a prophylactic on inside out, it will be a lot harder to scroll downwardly. It might not comprehend your penis all the style, and it could slip off during sexual practice. Nearly condoms have a reservoir tip — a niggling extra pocket at the top that helps collect semen (cum) during ejaculation. When a prophylactic is inside out, this reservoir tip might non work as well and the rubber can intermission easier.

If you accidentally put a condom on within out, it might be tempting to flip it around and roll it back on the right fashion. But that'southward non a adept idea because in one case the rubber goes on your penis it can pick up fluids (similar pre-cum) that can spread STDs or cause pregnancy. So the all-time thing to practice is throw the condom away and become a new 1.

In order to make sure you use a condom the correct way, look at it advisedly earlier y'all put it on. The gyre of the rim should exist on the outside, with the reservoir tip poking up in the middle. You can also unroll the condom a little before you lot put it on then you can effigy out which style is correct.


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