
How Did Dictators Use Propaganda To Control Citizens

Propaganda and Control

The Police Country

By August 1934 Hitler was a dictator with absolute power. In gild to maintain this power he needed organisations that could control the population to ensure absolute loyalty to the Führer. After the demise of the SA on the Night of the Long Knives, there were three chief interlinked organisations (in add-on to the regular German constabulary force) involved in controlling the German people through spying, intimidation and if necessary, imprisonment.

The organisational structure of the Schutzstaffel (SS), the Gestapo and the Sicherheitsdienst (SD).
  • Schutzstaffel (SS) - Led by Heinrich Himmler, the SS was the most important of these organisations and oversaw the others. Initially set up every bit Hitler's personal babysitter service, the SS was fanatically loyal to the Führer. Information technology later fix concentration camps where 'enemies of the state' were sent.
  • Gestapo - This was the Nazis' secret law strength. Its job was to monitor the German population for signs of opposition or resistance to Nazi dominion. Information technology was profoundly helped by ordinary German people informing on their swain citizens.
  • Sicherheitsdienst (SD) - This was the intelligence gathering agency of the SS. Information technology was responsible for the security of Hitler and other top Nazis and was led by Himmler's right-mitt human being, Reinhard Heydrich.

Revison tip

A good mnemonic to help you remember some of the key features of this topic is:

  • Himmler's - Head of the police state
  • Sight – The SS
  • Gradually – The Gestapo
  • Spreads – The SD

Nazi control of the legal organisation

The Nazis quickly swept abroad many of the freedoms that Germans had enjoyed under the Weimar constitution. The party's control of the legal organisation made opposition to the regime very hard indeed.

  • Judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler and were expected to deed always in the interests of the Nazi state.
  • All lawyers had to join the Nazi Lawyers' Association, which meant they could be controlled.
  • The part of defense force lawyers in criminal trials was weakened.
  • Standard penalization for crimes were abolished and then local prosecutors could determine what penalties to impose on those constitute guilty.

These changes more than than halved the number of criminal offences betwixt 1933 and 1939, whilst the number of crimes that carried the decease penalisation increased from iii to 46. Many convicted criminals were not released at the cease of their sentences but instead were moved to the growing number of concentration camps being established past the SS.

Concentration camps

The beginning camp to open was at Dachau, but outside Munich, in 1933. Soon at that place were others including Buchenwald, Mauthausen and Sachsenhausen. They were explained every bit places to detain enemies of the state . They were "concentrated" in one place for political re-education.

Prisoners wore a coloured triangle which identified their crime:

  • political opponents
  • criminals
  • gypsies
  • Jews
  • certain religious figures

Life in the concentration camps was extremely harsh. Prisoners were made to live and work in horrendous atmospheric condition.

When reports of prisoners' experiences leaked out, it increased the fright of being arrested. This fear helped the Nazis proceed control.

How Did Dictators Use Propaganda To Control Citizens,


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